"Give people hope with possibilities."
-Tony Juniper
The Wisdom of Nature
All over the world people are waking up and reigniting ancient Earth honoring practices to build their homes and communities in harmony with nature. Earthwise is sharing conscious wisdom to create better living systems for our interdependent world by introducing the pioneer sources to build and retrofit your home.
Hemp Is Hope
Hemp has unlimited potential to create a green healthy future for us all. This amazing plant gives hope with unlimited possibilities, it can clothe us, feed us, house us and heal us. It leads the way to replace petroleum plastics with biodegradable plant based plastics. Hemp fields purify toxic soils through phytoremediation, and it sequesters more CO2 than any other plant on the planet. It requires minimal water and does not require pesticides to grow.
As we partner with plants to restore our planet, we reintegrate ourselves into the natural circle of life.

For the benefit of our farmers, the soil, our health and our planet, hemp is the answer.